Notartel and services provided to notaries

Providing Best Solutions in a
       framework of Legal Certainty

Notartel and services provided to notaries

Notartel S.p.A. was set up in 1997 in a partnership between the Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato (National Council of Notaries) and the Cassa Nazionale del Notariato (National Notaries' Fund) with the aim of creating and managing information and communications services for Italian notaries.

Notartel links all Italian notaries by way of an intranet called Rete Unitaria del Notariato (RUN, or Unified Notarial Network), offering the services typical of an internet provider, such as access to the internet and electronic mail addresses by way of connections that are operational 24 hours per day 365 days per year.

There are interconnections with:

- the systems of the Territorial Agency for access to the data bases of the Land Registry and Archives;

- Infocamere's systems for access to the data bases of the Chambers of Commerce and the Companies Registry;

- the Notarial Archives systems for data from the General Registry of Wills;

- Automobile Club Italia's systems for data from the Public Automobile Registry;

- the Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato (Government Printer) to consult the Official Gazette and to arrange publication of legal notices;

- the Centro Elaborazione Dati (data centre) of the Cassazione (Supreme Court).
Notartel's RUN intranet provides Italian notaries with all their e-government applications:  integrated systems linked amongst themselves and with the Public Administration.